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New York

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Alicia (rape story)

Posted by tangimikimi - January 30th, 2009

Dedicated to Peter. You can also read it here. The picture that inspired this story is at the bottom.

"Stupid bitch." The man hissed. "Stop your damned crying. Someone could hear!"
"Please, please don't do this! Please stop! I'll do anything! Just don't do this to me! Pl-" The man withdrew his fingers from her sopping cunt and slapped her across her face.
"Shut up, bitch. You aren't in the position to be bargaining. Anything I want right now, I can take. Including... you." He laughed at his own joke, a cold, eerie laugh that made what little hope Alicia had been holding onto sputter and die.
He had been stalking Alicia for some time, and knew just how much of a prude she was. But she was sexy; all the conservative-style clothes in the world couldn't hide her figure. She wasn't a virgin, but she certainly was far from experienced. He decided to see just how much she could take emotionally." You see this, Alicia?" He held his hand in front of her face. "No matter how much you try and deny it, the evidence is here. You're a slut. You want this. You're a perverted little slut." With no warning, he shoved his middle and index fingers into her mouth. "Clean my fingers off bitch"
Alicia, realizing this might be her only chance at escape bit down, hard. The man roared with pain, withdrawing his fingers to find blood he slapped Alicia across the face, hard, and retrieved a whip and ball gag. It probably wasn't the best whip for the job, far too messy. But it would suffice. He gagged her, and as he did so he said, "Do you know what happens to bad girls like you? Girls who try to deny what their bodies want, and try to hurt the people who just want to offer help?"
"Well, Alicia, I'll tell you. They get punished. Just like any other disobedient little bitch would, they get exactly what they deserve. Do you know what I'm going to do to you?" He paused, allowing her fear to grow.
"Wmm, wmmph?" Her eyes were wide, tears flowing freely now.
"That's right, slut. I'm going to whip you." Without further adieu, he brought the whip down, hard, across her breasts. Eliciting a loud scream, but the man paid no attention. In truth, no one could hear her, not as far away as they were from others. He had just put on that show to offer her fake hope, to make her scream's louder, more desperate. Lash after lash fell on her breasts, and after a moment's hesitation, her pussy as well. This drove the screams to an entirely different pitch, as one stroke landed directly on her clit.
When the man was satisfied with her punishment, he removed the gag, "Now, Alicia, you saw how much I can please you... and you saw I am not afraid to punish you. Which would you rather we continue with? Punishments? Or pleasure?"
"Please! Please not that again!" She choked out between ragged gasps.
"So pleasure? That's your choice than?"
"Yes... pleasure, please."
"Very well, from now on you shall address me as Master. Any hesitation on your part, no matter how brief, will be cause for punishment. Have I made myself clear?"
"Y-yes. Yes, Master."
"Very good." He said in a mocking tone, beginning to work on her clit. Clearly, she was in distress, but she bit her tongue fearful he would opt to punish her again if she argued.
Weeks past, and Alicia began to lose herself. What had before the rape been like to her? What had she been like, back when her every move wasn't a chance for Master to punish her? Would anyone find her? Was she ever to be freed? Or would she spend her life, destined to live with him until he tired of her? And what then?
Eventually, the questions disturbed her so much, that she chose to bring them to his attention.
"M-Master? You said that I'll never be free right? Wh-what happens when you grow tired of me?"
"Ha ha ha. You think I'll free you then? And what? You call the police? No, bitch. When I tire of you, I'm going to kill you. And; depending on how bad you are prior to that, it will either be very slowly, or quickly and painlessly. How you act now, determines how much you suffer ultimately."

Alicia (rape story)


awesome story.


Thanks! <3

great story. you have a real talent for writing

Thanks! I hope to become an author some day but I can't imagine my stories having enough appeal to ever be published. Too deviant.

I love you.
