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New York

Joined on 11/23/08

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tangimikimi's News

Posted by tangimikimi - August 21st, 2009

Posted by tangimikimi - March 19th, 2009

My current desktop.
Note: The desktop was made by me, and is a photoshop of peacock feathers.
Higher quality.


Posted by tangimikimi - March 2nd, 2009


New boyfriend.

Posted by tangimikimi - January 30th, 2009

Dedicated to Peter. You can also read it here. The picture that inspired this story is at the bottom.

"Stupid bitch." The man hissed. "Stop your damned crying. Someone could hear!"
"Please, please don't do this! Please stop! I'll do anything! Just don't do this to me! Pl-" The man withdrew his fingers from her sopping cunt and slapped her across her face.
"Shut up, bitch. You aren't in the position to be bargaining. Anything I want right now, I can take. Including... you." He laughed at his own joke, a cold, eerie laugh that made what little hope Alicia had been holding onto sputter and die.
He had been stalking Alicia for some time, and knew just how much of a prude she was. But she was sexy; all the conservative-style clothes in the world couldn't hide her figure. She wasn't a virgin, but she certainly was far from experienced. He decided to see just how much she could take emotionally." You see this, Alicia?" He held his hand in front of her face. "No matter how much you try and deny it, the evidence is here. You're a slut. You want this. You're a perverted little slut." With no warning, he shoved his middle and index fingers into her mouth. "Clean my fingers off bitch"
Alicia, realizing this might be her only chance at escape bit down, hard. The man roared with pain, withdrawing his fingers to find blood he slapped Alicia across the face, hard, and retrieved a whip and ball gag. It probably wasn't the best whip for the job, far too messy. But it would suffice. He gagged her, and as he did so he said, "Do you know what happens to bad girls like you? Girls who try to deny what their bodies want, and try to hurt the people who just want to offer help?"
"Well, Alicia, I'll tell you. They get punished. Just like any other disobedient little bitch would, they get exactly what they deserve. Do you know what I'm going to do to you?" He paused, allowing her fear to grow.
"Wmm, wmmph?" Her eyes were wide, tears flowing freely now.
"That's right, slut. I'm going to whip you." Without further adieu, he brought the whip down, hard, across her breasts. Eliciting a loud scream, but the man paid no attention. In truth, no one could hear her, not as far away as they were from others. He had just put on that show to offer her fake hope, to make her scream's louder, more desperate. Lash after lash fell on her breasts, and after a moment's hesitation, her pussy as well. This drove the screams to an entirely different pitch, as one stroke landed directly on her clit.
When the man was satisfied with her punishment, he removed the gag, "Now, Alicia, you saw how much I can please you... and you saw I am not afraid to punish you. Which would you rather we continue with? Punishments? Or pleasure?"
"Please! Please not that again!" She choked out between ragged gasps.
"So pleasure? That's your choice than?"
"Yes... pleasure, please."
"Very well, from now on you shall address me as Master. Any hesitation on your part, no matter how brief, will be cause for punishment. Have I made myself clear?"
"Y-yes. Yes, Master."
"Very good." He said in a mocking tone, beginning to work on her clit. Clearly, she was in distress, but she bit her tongue fearful he would opt to punish her again if she argued.
Weeks past, and Alicia began to lose herself. What had before the rape been like to her? What had she been like, back when her every move wasn't a chance for Master to punish her? Would anyone find her? Was she ever to be freed? Or would she spend her life, destined to live with him until he tired of her? And what then?
Eventually, the questions disturbed her so much, that she chose to bring them to his attention.
"M-Master? You said that I'll never be free right? Wh-what happens when you grow tired of me?"
"Ha ha ha. You think I'll free you then? And what? You call the police? No, bitch. When I tire of you, I'm going to kill you. And; depending on how bad you are prior to that, it will either be very slowly, or quickly and painlessly. How you act now, determines how much you suffer ultimately."

Alicia (rape story)

Posted by tangimikimi - January 28th, 2009


I'm aware it's not the full version of the song. I don't care though. Song is called Kao Dekai if you're interested.

Kao dekai
Doushite doushite anata ha sonna ni kao ga deekai no?
Purikura de sanpo sagatte utsuttemo kao ga deekai no?

Donna kimetetemo (kao dekai, kao dekai)
Donna sugokutemo (kao dekai, kao dekai, kao dekai)

Aitsu ha aitsu ha kao dekaai
Hachimaki makenai todokanaai
Moai mo bikkuri kao dekaai
Hedingu sasetara maji umaai
2km saki demo kao dekaai
Ukiwa ga ue kara hairanaai
Otafuku kaze de sara ni dekaai
Aitsu ha aitsu ha aitsu ha aitsu ha aitsu ha aitsu ha kao-de-ka-i

Posted by tangimikimi - January 23rd, 2009

This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it,

Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent

I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

I kissed a girl...

Posted by tangimikimi - January 4th, 2009

You know newgrounds, I'm impatient, I can't wait a year very well. I think I'll go ahead and make a new blog now, and post my story for all to see. First though, something I'll never understand- both newgrounds and deviantart don't recognize tabs made by me, but they recognize the auto-tabs made by microsoft word. One last thing before I begin, a slave's name as well as "I" when said by them is never capitalized. An explanation why can be found here.

This story is dedicated to my friend Rummy.

Cold. Bitter freezing cold, looking back i should have expected Mistress to play a trick like this on me. But, i hadn't. So i'd inevitably fallen right into Her hands.
It was the start of winter, the first real snowstorm of the year. The forecast had predicted anywhere between 12 - 16 inches of snow. And already a blanket of white covered the ground. Mistress had suggested to me, more demanded, that we go outside and play in the snow, she had said it innocently enough, to where i had assumed something as benign as building snowmen or having a snowball fight.
But with Mistress, things rarely went quite as smoothly as that. I should explain; i'm not entirely a consenting slave. I met Mistress two years ago, when i was new to the BDSM Scene. As a curious young submissive, ignorant to the creed of "safe, sane, and, consensual" i had willingly agreed to study under Mistress; a self-proclaimed true dominant- and she had certainly seemed the part. To Her credit, i had consented... at first. But Mistress began working me, quickly beyond the point of what i wanted. But at first i didn't realize that that wasn't how things worked, and by the end... it was too late to escape. She had successfully destroyed my personal life, with no one to escape to, with nothing to run to, i stayed with Her. I had to.
I don't know why i'm trying to prove myself in this, to a diary. So i'll just skip ahead to how we actually met. On April 23rd 2004 i turned 18, the first thing i did was to throw a huge party, the second was to get shitfaced drunk. During the time i was drunk some guy at a party, a nameless face that a friend of a friend had probably brought along, convinced me to have sex. It really wasn't that hard of a thing to convince me, and when he asked about a little harmless kinky sex, i readily agreed. All he had done was some mild bondage, tying me up and fucking me, blindfolding me, and the like. And it had felt great. But i guess he was really uncomfortable with being a dominant, or something, which was why he had waited until i was nearly passed out to ask me.
I spent the next three months learning everything i could about bondage.
Dissatisfied with my lack of knowledge i began to delve deeper than bondage, and went into the entire world of BDSM. One of the first things i came across was a reference to the Scene. And a date at which an annual party was to be held. Two long weeks i spent vacillating, both talking myself in and out of going. Eventually, deciding that since the opportunity would not arise for another year i confirmed i would go.
At the party, i met some incredibly genuine people - tops and bottoms alike who were very welcoming of such an innocent 'newbie' i also met some real assholes. And one stunning, regal looking woman.
Quickly, i found myself talking to the woman. I believe the conversation went something like this.
"H-hello, ma'am." I was unsure what to address Her as.
"Hello, who might you be? You're a new face around here, and I've been coming to these things for some time."
"Well, i am rather new to... to all this. I only found out there was anything like BDSM a few months ago. And i've only ever... done something in scene once."
"Ahh, I see. Well perhaps you would like someone to teach you; tutor and mentor you if you will? If you would like I would be willing to teach you, you see, I find myself without a submissive at this point in time, and unfortunately so many of the people here have Masters and Mistresses already that I find myself without a submissive."
I was flabbergasted. I couldn't believe my luck, and without hesitation i found myself readily agreeing. "Y-yes, um so should i address You as Mistress? As Miss? Umm, will we be Dominant and submissive only in scene? Or out as well...?"
Within days i found She didn't obey my use of our chosen safeword the vast majority of times; She said this was 'in order to help me grow' as well as to 'prevent me from topping from the bottom through overuse'. At first, i tried reducing how often i used the safeword, thinking that might show Her i didn't mean to overuse it and that I too wanted to grow.
I was wrong though. She kept reducing it more and more, and eventually She even suggested i remove it all together as a way of showing my 'ultimate devotion' to Her. Mistress allowed me a period of two days to decide my answer.
"So, slave have you decided?" Mistress demanded of me.
"I, i-"
"Out with it slave. Tell me your answer." She nearly growled.
"I can't decide Mistress." I said meekly. "I'm sorry i've let You down."
"Hmm," when she finally spoke Her voice was unnaturally calm and that scared me more than if She seemed furious, "well slave. It seems I have no choice but to help you make your decision. I want you to grow. And I want what is best for you, if you won't allow me to help you than I'm afraid we're through. And I'll make sure everyone who you try to find a relationship with you in the future knows how uncompromising you are and how often you top from the bottom."
I had already began to develop deep feelings for my Mistress... i didn't want this to happen to my relationship with Her. She seemed so far out of my league and i feared no one would wish to be with such an uncompromising asshole as myself. Readily, i agreed to play without safewords anymore.
"Excellent, what a brave little girl you are. But, to be sure you don't try to go around my rules I believe we should try something. A form of 'consensual blackmail', if you will. I won't really blackmail you of course; however it would make things more interesting."
"What do You mean, Mistress?"
"Well, I would take compromising pictures of you. And if you did something like went ahead and left me I would do with them as i so chose."
Hating what i'd gotten myself into more and more, but afraid She would leave me i reluctantly agreed to Her terms. Eventually She suggested i move in with Her and quit my job because She could afford to take care of us both if i agreed to do all the housework. Weeks passed and eventually She began regulating who i hung out with, where i went, when i was allowed out, and more. She said that that was how things worked in an M/s relationship. And i had read that M/s was about complete and utter subservience; so it seemed to fit even if it meant i would slowly lose all of my friends because of Her request.
Then January 2nd rolled around and we were hit with a major blizzard. Mistress made me dress incredibly lightly for the weather, in fact, all that She allowed me to wear was some lacey black lingerie, my collar, and leash. Within minutes i was freezing. She on the other hand, was dressed snuggly and was even wearing a coat.
Nonchalantly, She informed me i would not be needing my lingerie on any longer and that i was to take it off and fold it to the side. I hesitated, but She reminded me that i was not to top from the bottom, and that She had pictures of me in some highly compromising positions ready to be emailed to everyone i had once known, including relatives, should i refuse to comply. Hesitantly, hands shaking, i began to remove my clothes.
"Slave, I said get naked. Don't fucking test me you worthless little bitch." Mistress was mad. "Be quick about it."
"Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress." My hands fumbled over the clothes, not quite removing things quickly enough for Her satisfaction.
When i finally undressed and had folded my clothes neatly to the side She demanded i bend over to be properly punished for my hesitance. "Slave, I'm warning you. If you so much as take one step out of place I swear I will make your life hell. And don't you dare scream out. As much as I love to hear you scream in pain I don't want to deal with legal ramifications of you making any noise. Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes Mistress. I won't move out of place nor scream Ma'am."
"Good" Now, what am I going to do with you? Perhaps whip you, you seem to hate when i do that. Or perhaps cane you." She took Her time deciding, leaving me like that, unable to move and beginning to freeze. She must've walked away to retrieve some of Her toys. "Oh my, slave. You seem to be quite cold. Let's see if we can't get some color back into you." With no further warning, She began caning me, hard, with enough force that my stiff limbs nearly gave out. But fear of what She would do to me if i failed Her kept me upright.
I winced as She continued Her caning, but managed to otherwise keep quiet. My ass felt like it was on fire; no longer was the freezing cold my primary concern. In fact, i somewhat hoped i would be allowed to sit in the snow so that the cold might alleviate the burning sensation i felt. After what seemed like hours, She abruptly stopped and although i wished to do something in the way of protecting myself from Her i dared not incur Her wrath. She then took a fine whip and began whipping my already tender ass as well as my pussy. I had no choice but to bite down on my lip hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to keep from crying out, and even then, i could not stop the tears. She continued until i could feel warm blood trickling down the backs of my legs. "Excellent. You seem to have learned your lesson quite well slave. I am pleased."
I looked at Her questioningly, as if to ask if i might be allowed to speak. She nodded Her assent, "Th-thank you Mistress. I a-appreciate you p-punishing me like that. I am... i'm very fortunate to have such a wonderful Mistress like you, one who takes such good care of Her slave." My voice broke halfway through.
"Now, spread your legs wide but remain bent over like that."
"Yes, Mistress." Without warning or any foreplay to ease the stretching She shoved an uncomfortably large dildo made of solid ice into me and something that seemed to be a butt plug.
"Dig." She commanded.
"Dig, Mistress?"
"Yes. In the snow. A hole. Leave one or two inches of snow covering the ground. Make it a large hole."
"Yes, Ma'am." Mistress would not allow me a shovel or tool of any sort and so without clothes i was forced to either kneel in the snow or bend over. At first i tried bending over, but Mistress chose to amuse Herself by whipping my ass while i was bent over, so i quickly decided to brave the cold and kneel. Several minutes passed and soon i found myself growing extremely cold. "Mistress? I'm cold. May i stop please?"
"Cold, hmm, yes slave you may stop." Mistress seemed to be acting reasonable for once. "Stand up, legs further apart and arms at your side." She picked up one of Her many whips and i began to realize what was about to happen. "Don't move, slave. And don't make a noise."
"Y-yes Mistress." I mumbled as the first lash landed on my pussy. She whipped me there until i was about to collapse and then began to move to other parts of my body, eventually She even made sure that my fingers which had been continuously losing color were a rosy pink like the rest of me.
"Back to work now, slave."
"Yes Mistress." From then on - until the holes completion - i only asked for a break when i believed i would suffer permanent damage from the cold.
When She finally approved of my work i was ordered to stand and whipped once more, this time far more thoroughly - so much so that Mistress did not trust me to resist my urge to scream and chose instead to prevent any accidents with a penis gag. Once She was satisfied with my whipping She removed the, now melted, dildo from my pussy and replaced it with another larger one. "Lay down in the hole." She ordered as She removed the gag. Flabbergasted, but too scared to argue, i reluctantly complied. No sooner had i laid down than Mistress began shoveling snow onto me.
I was terrified. Mistress knew i was claustrophobic; but i forced myself to fight down the rising panic, to keep from screaming out - any punishment earned for screaming would be far worse than this. When i was completely covered, except for my face, Mistress procured a control of some sort. She turned the dial on it and i felt a shock in my ass. I couldn't believe it! Mistress had chosen to shock me even though i was covered in snow! The shocks must have been amplified quite a bit by the surrounding snow, because even though they were irregular they began to take a toll very quickly. "Stay." Mistress commanded me then pressed a button on the control that would control the butt plug without Her guidance. Leaving me alone, she retreated into Her home.
After what felt like hours, Mistress dutifully returned to free me from the confines of the snow. I was exuberant, the constant snowfall had begun to constrict my chest, making breathing harder, and the snow had also fallen onto my face, obscuring my vision and increasing my feelings of claustrophobia. But before i was freed Mistress decided to humor Herself by playing with the settings of the control. High and low and then high again, higher and higher until i felt terrified for my life. I wanted to beg Her to stop, wanted to use a safe word, but i had none at my disposal. She kept at this until, reluctantly, my body began to respond.
Soon, i was begging for permission to orgasm, but no matter what Mistress seemed uninterested in allowing me to cum. It was a nightmare, i couldn't even hump restricted by the snow as i was. "Mistress, please! I can't wait anymore... i need to cum, please let me."
"No slave. If you dare to defy me on this there will be severe consequences." Desperately, i tried to think of anything to quench my desires. But to no avail.
Then, teetering right on the brink of orgasm, right as i was about to be pushed over the edge, it stopped. Mistress completely stopped any forms of stimulation. Ignoring my pleas, She deftly picked up the shovel and set to work freeing me from my tomb of snow. Unfortunately, for me, once i had been freed she snapped a leash onto my collar clearly indicating i was not to stand. She lead me back into the house, as i crawled on all fours, shivering with cold.
Once inside Mistress ordered me to prepare a cup and saucer of hot chocolate and meet Her inside the living room. She had me place both cup and saucer onto the side table next to Her, and kneel obediently on the floor. I watched Her drink from the mug as i sat there shivering, too scared of what punishments Mistress would come up with should i think to drink the hot chocolate without explicit permission.
Finally, i could take it no longer, and decided to ask. "Please Mistress, may i have some hot coco?"
"Hmm, yes, I think so slave. You may." As She said this Mistress picked up the saucer and dumped the scalding contents onto me. "Clean it up, then Clean yourself up." She commanded, cruelly.
"Yes Ma'am." I whimpered and went to retrieve a rag. I wished i could wipe the hot coco from me first, but i dared not disobey Mistress; besides, despite the painful heat it felt good against my freezing body. Once i had cleaned the floor to Mistress' satisfaction, i crawled out of the room to head for the shower. I turned the water on as hot as it would go, and climbed in. I knew Mistress would be mad if i dillydallied however, i decided to take longer than usual, knowing i desperately needed the heat to ease some of the chill.
Once dried i returned to Mistress and was led into Her bedroom. She then led me into my dog cage inside Her closet, placed me inside, locked it, and closed the door leaving me alone in the dark to cry.

A Day in the Snow

Posted by tangimikimi - November 23rd, 2008

This account is a placeholder. This blog is a placeholder. This account will remain inactive for a number of years prior to being used. However waiting even longer would result in a far worse sign-up than that of 08; and I do not wish to be a 'noob' by than. That is all.
